eARC Review – Tools of a Thief by D. Hale Rambo

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Title: Tools of a Thief

Author: D. Hale Rambo

Publisher: Fiercewood Press

Publication date: May 25th, 2021

170 pages

3/5 stars

Goodreads Synopsis

How do you stop being a thief? Zizy assumed quitting her job, stealing from her boss, and flitting magically across the continent was one way to give it a go.

Getting in and out of sticky situations is typically Zizy’s specialty. A little spellwork here, a pinch of deception there, and she’s home free. Quick-fingered, fast-talking, and charming the gnome knows traveling across a shattered continent won’t be easy. Still, she has the skills to keep herself from getting killed.

Too bad she was followed on her one-way trip. Pressed into a mission she can’t say no to Zizy feels desperate, out of place, and as lonely as before. But when she meets a charming book hoarder with bold curiosity, Zizy can’t help but want to bring her along on this one last job. She’ll just hide her past, her present, and complicating info about herself. What could go wrong?

Either she finishes the job and protects those she loves, or it all falls apart. Is this journey the final key to unlock a new path or just another sticky situation she has to run from? She’ll use every tool she’s got to get what she wants.


Tools of a Thief is a fantasy novella with Zizy as the main character, who is a gnome tasked with stealing an item from the ruler of the country by her powerful aunt. Along the way, she picks up Laysa and Pace, who work to assist her in her goals – even if they don’t actually know the exact goal…

D. Hale Rambo creates an interesting fantasy world with Tools of a Thief – with fantastical creatures, magic, and different kinds of countries and rulers. There is not much world-building that happens, but I believe it intended that way so the reader just feels immersed in the story immediately. However, this reads like you were dropped into a book partway through and I felt like I was missing important information from the beginning.

There is a subtle sapphic romance with Zizy and Laysa, which adds to the diverse nature of the book. I wish there was more background given to the characters, especially Laysa and Pace. The ending also leaves much to be desired, it ends pretty suddenly leaving the reader feeling like you only read the middle of a book, not the beginning or the end.

The cover implies this is the first in a series, and I would give the second book a try if there is a sequel.

Thank you to Fiercewood Press and Netgalley for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Happy reading, folks!

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