About Me

Fellow bookworms, welcome. My decision to launching this blog has been a long time coming. I have been an avid reader since I learned to read. My parents could not buy me enough books to satiate my need to read and take in stories. I use reading to destress and float away into a universe that in some manner, I can control. I choose to flip the page, I make the decision to roam my eyes over the text, line by line. Books have been my escape for as long as I can remember.

But a few years ago things changed. I went through a very rough patch. The act of reading somehow increased my depression. It was heartbreaking to have my escape taken from me, and twisted into another medium in which to instill the sadness. To this day, I still can’t understand how the change occurred. It has gotten better, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get back to the same relationship I had before.

You may be wondering how this leads me to a book review blog. Several months ago I decided it was time to ditch Netflix (not for good, I’m not crazy) and get back to reading. On my birthday, I decided to join the world of bookstagram as a jumpstart to creating a blog one day. I read so much, and sometimes I want an outlet to get my thoughts out. I successfully grew Baltimore Bibliophile on IG to a few hundred followers, and take great joy in creating new photos and discovering a world that I didn’t even know existed.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by this page. Your attention means everything to me, and I hope we can be great book friends.